Week 10

Peter Parker
Nov 9, 2020

Rabbit | Future Shorts

I think I could see from the beginning roughly where it was gonna go, and that the lesson of the video would be about greed. The ending being kinda dark and ambiguous adds to the cautionary tale vibe meant for kids (what happens to the children?) Translating the illustrations into 2D moving drawings also helped to keep the tone consistent between what a storybook would be and the video itself. I was also wondering why each item was labeled. It does add to the storybook style, so maybe that was why.

Fast Film 2003

This is an amazing reuse/recycling of old media/material. I was trying to figure out what they were doing the entire time. I was thinking it could have been paper stop motion and then masks? I like how the characters began interacting directly with the medium by the end of the video. For example, around 8:40 the man is reacting to the rips in the paper as if they are shocking him like electricity, or 9:50 when the man burns away the paper restraining him with a lighter that exists in the film.

Et Cetera (1966) — Jan Svankmajer

I thought this was really impressive for 1966! I was trying to figure out the filmmaker’s process the entire time. There was no way they could have done any kind of digital masks at the time like with the previous video. I think this is really cool as a technological demonstration of the time and is very engaging for that, rather than relying on an overarching narrative like the previous two videos.

